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What’s your podcast’s potential audience?

Nick Hilton
5 min readMay 16, 2022


Some people.

If you’re UK-based and your antenna is tuned to the goings on of Westminster politics, you’ll know Guido Fawkes. It’s a conservative (read: right-wing) gossip site, which very seldom publishes anything that would be of interest to polite society. But, at the moment, there is a grappling within the heart of Britain’s conservative press for supremacy of the broadcast waves — and Guido can’t keep out of the scuffle. So they’ve been lampooning both GB News and Talk TV (two new television channels that have launched in the past year, attempting to be something like ‘a British Fox’) and that is of vague, amusing interest to me, as a non-partisan observer. Anyhow, the article that piqued my interest was actually this one, titled ‘Too Many Politics Shows Are Chasing Too Few Viewers’.

The premise is simple, and the title descriptive. With the launch of high-profile new programming on TalkTV (including Piers Morgan and Tom Newton Dunne) the market has reached saturation point, and executives are realising that, for all the bluster, not that many people are interested in watching political talk shows. The interesting paragraph reads:

“The British television audience is one fifth the size of the US television audience, which is why Fox News, MSNBC and CNN can make money… In the UK magazines, think tanks and online political enterprises have all launched video…



Nick Hilton
Nick Hilton

Written by Nick Hilton

Writer. Media entrepreneur. London. Interested in technology and the media. Co-founder Email:

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